Hi! I'm Jai

Here's a little about me


Hello! My name is Jai Bansal (pronounced like the letter J).

Quick Facts

  • I’m currently attending UC Berkeley intended on majoring in Computer and Data Science
  • I was born and raised in Boise, Idaho (yes potato land)
  • I play ultimate frisbee competitively! I tried out for the USA U20 national team back in February of 2018
  • I’ve interned at HP so far where I've worked on Natural Language Processing and Data Science (hopefully this list grows)

Why did I start this blog?

At my first semester at Cal, every computer science major has to take this course called CS61A: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. For me it was one of the most interesting, fun, knowledgable, stressful, difficult courses I have ever taken in my educational career. During finals week, I was searching the CS61A course website for advice on how to do well on the final when I stumbled across this blog by Joel Spolsky called Joel on Software. If you want to read the whole thing I’ve linked it here, but in a nutshell, Spolsky makes seven key points that every computer science student should consider doing while getting their degree. The one that really hit home for me was his first point: Learn how to write before graduating Joel’s main argument was what separates most good programmers from the great programmers is that great programmers know how to communicate their ideas more effectively than good programmers. He encouraged people to write and write often because the more you write the easier it gets to write well etc. I can’t say how much this blog has helped me yet, but, nevertheless, here I am blogging!

How often do you post?

I don’t have any hard posting dates. I’d say around weekly, but I would not hold myself to that.

What Do I write about?

To be honest really anything. This blog isn’t really intended for anyone or anything. I mostly have started this as a hobby and to make myself a better writer and I don’t want it to become a burden. So anything I think I should share or want to write my thoughts about I will share and that’s what it is!